Google Ads For Criminal Lawyers – Best Advertising Attorneys Law Guide for 2022

As a criminal lawyer, you might not spend much time thinking about things like Google Ads. However, if you wish to get new clients and increase your revenue, it’s time to pay attention to Google Ads. In this post, New Digital marketing Agency, your trusted Google Ads agency in Toronto, shares a quick guide for […]
Generating Leads for Bankruptcy Attorneys Using Google Ads

Bankruptcy attorneys are in a competitive market that is constantly changing, and Google Ads is one of the best ways to get free leads for new clients. The digital marketing landscape is constantly changing and highly competitive. To not only survive but thrive as a business and a professional, you must understand how to use […]
Our Guide to Google Ads for Divorce Lawyers in Toronto

As a divorce lawyer in Toronto, looking for clients is a bit more complicated than your standard business. People in need of a divorce lawyer are often stressed out and emotionally distraught due to the breakdown of their marriage and the ensuing child custody battle they’ll soon enter, so simple taglines and flashy ads won’t […]
How to Find The Best Google Ads Agency

You’ve probably used Google search thousands of times. If you have, you’ve probably also noticed that Google places some ads at the top. You might have even used Google Ads yourself to attract potential customers. Often, this type of ad is quite helpful. If you search for “dentists near me” when you think you have […]
What to Know About Google Advertising for Lawyers—A Guide

If you are an attorney or own a law firm, you know that finding and sourcing clients can be pretty challenging. You most likely have many competitors looking out for the same clients you have. With the limitations of strict rules and guidelines, your reach in advertising your services is also minimal. Therefore, what do […]
Google Ads for Divorce Attorneys & Family Lawyers

There are many established, well-known methods for generating new leads and clients for divorce attorneys. Many divorce attorneys question whether Google AdWords works for family law, but Google Search Ads is one of the most effective online marketing channels for tapping into potential client leads. Key benefits include being able to achieve results quickly and […]
Top 10 Myths About Google Ads Business Owners Need to Know About

Since Google’s online advertising platform was launched on October 20, 2000, a lot of myths have grown up around Google Ads. This means that businesses often misuse the potential of their brands, burn budgets or give up their campaigns for Google Ads. While we cannot list all the myths out there, New Digital Marketing Agency, […]
Are LSAs and Google Ads Worth the Investment for Law Firms?

Advertisements have long been crucial in promoting products and services, but when Google entered the scene, it changed the advertising game forever. Given the number of users using Google in a day, it makes sense for businesses to scramble to get a spot to advertise on the search engine giant. The Impact of Google on […]